Tuesday, March 26, 2019


My appointment with the new oncologist is Thursday (1-2 days from now). Will set the chemo plan and schedule.

I put together this timeline the other day and figured it would be useful to those new to the blog who do not wish to read old posts chronologically:
2nd column is days elapsed since the prior major event.

Anyway, to pick myself up from the overwhelming emotional weight of thinking about everything that has happened in these terms I made a second timeline showing my absolutely ridiculous fortune in sports fandom over the last 18 years...
A few of these are a bit of a stretch for me to 'count' (long story) and a few lesser sports or championships (NASCAR, UGA SEC titles, etc) are excluded which probably offset the stretches. Also not shown are the additional six or seven championship round defeats from this stretch. Again, all in all absolutely ridiculous. Compiling was a welcomed distraction.

A recent thought - would I trade all of these if it meant the tumor never happened? I do not know what positive experiences anyone would or wouldn't trade to prolong their lives by a week, month, year... dwelling on what might have been may be unproductive, putting it mildly. The positives though... wow:

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